Use Ctrl + C to copy the right promo code to use easily.

Whenever you need to top up the amount of the Kredits you have, just hit the 'Buy K' button at the bottom of the screen in-game, or in our online s.Ĭrowns can be bought with this type of currency. Enter your code and press View Code Contents.

Log into your new account and visit the Code Activation page here. You can read in this article to know the list of Warface Redeem Codes here. Keys only valid for new Warface accounts and characters. Select the server and the character you want the items sent to and press "Redeem Code". Enter your code and press "View Code Contents". Log into your new account and visit the Code Activation page here. This can also be used to Top-up your game wallet with Warface Dollars. Warface codes look 20 digits long, contain alphabets, and numbers mixed game developers generated the codes. The Warface dollars / Kredits can be purchased by paying the real money from any card or redeeming the warface code. List of Latest Warface Redeem Codes January 2021 Scroll down to read more about Warface Redeem Codes, warface permanent weapons code 2021, warface codes 2021, warface codes 2021 pc, warface promo codes Nintendo switch, warface promo codes Xbox one 2021, warface codes January 2021 from this article. Anyone here play (NA)PvE more like Spec Ops, Add me "AgaveShine" PS.

Free Warface Items! thx, how many redeems for that code? You suck, you got that code from the youtuber 'Life of Boris' after he made that video review on warface.